
巴爾地摩是一個港市,又稱為「迷人城市」〈Charm City〉,如果您喜愛美食,巴爾地摩就是您不可錯過的
城市,這裡提供從綺沙比克灣〈Chesapeake Bay〉料理到義大利比薩及其他您可以想像到的任何美食。
巴爾地摩的歷史大自然、運動及藝術也提供遊客多樣的選擇。巴爾地摩的遊客中心位於內港〈Inner Harbor〉

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fanlly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Today sucks. My class is inferior to anticipated holds. I prepare a lot, really a pity. But it's life, contain many unanticipated things. Your schedule seems more and more hectic, that's great. Life shouldn't be blank. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

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fanlly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 18 Thu 2007 14:15
  • 20000

其實也沒什麼了不起的,不過看到數字變成整數就很有快感︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿


fanlly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

就在剛剛,我的新隨身碟葛屁了(o一-一)=○# ( ̄#)3 ̄)

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We can just life for one time, so I think that life shoule be beautified. You can do it by money or not. If you are above water you can travel around the world, if not you can go around the place which you live. Trust me there are many thing that you haven't experience surround you. Some people don't have their own house, they go around, work around, learn around and see around. Maybe they seem a begger, but I think they exprerience life and it can't be bought either. People should see more, have more learn more and know more. So let we beautify our own life, it's really worthy to do it.

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Everytime I hear that, I invariably feel grieved. Because I clearly remember that you say never want to challenge GET untill find me to Jimmy in a group training. Maybe you think I have vocation,but I never consider I'm a elite, I just live my life in my way. During this year in herbalife I have changed a lot even find many lost thing out, I really do appreciate of you. So I feel grived. I know I must repay for the great gift of you, yet I don't do anything. There must be something I don't find out yet. I implore you to give me some more time, I will be your elite in your team.

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A gift for you

fanlly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan and am a achingly occidentalizated person. I stay in America a short time when I'm a kid, but I'm deeply influence by American culture. When I was back to Taiwan,  began discovering many things in myself such as my gift for writing, design, an artistic side I had never expressed and the most different part of the deeper site of my mine-I want to render. I feel it's my calling. But it was not enhanced and glorified by Taiwan education and I almost forget it untill last month I was back to Myspace. I have two new friend there, Meyli and Niko. Meyli is a very brave girl, she lost one of her leg in her childhood, but she never bend to destiny, she have a prosthetic leg and the most unbelievable thing is she become a model and NOPI chic(like show girl in Taiwan but more professional). She have strong ambition for her life and now she have her own career, she is just 22 years old. Niko is a dreaming guy, when he discovered his musical gift he decides to spread his music all over the world and change it. So he share all his creation on internet for free.

I see ambition, assertion, dream and passion for life on them. And it let me to remember the deep site in my heart. I feel great what I find out my ambition of my life again for.

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